╭─hax13@ZARB in ~/Documents/ctfs/htb/easy/monitor2 took 13ms
╰─λ sudo nmap -sC -sV -p- --min-rate 1500 -oN tcp-scan.txt
[sudo] password for hax13:
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-04-30 12:58 PKT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.44s latency).
Not shown: 65533 closed tcp ports (reset)
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.5 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 3072 48add5b83a9fbcbef7e8201ef6bfdeae (RSA)
| 256 b7896c0b20ed49b2c1867c2992741c1f (ECDSA)
|_ 256 18cd9d08a621a8b8b6f79f8d405154fb (ED25519)
80/tcp open http nginx 1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Login to Cacti
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 77.52 seconds
Landing Page
Let’s search google:
Now let’s search for version exploits.
Found the amazing blog from sonar That explains how to exploit this vulnerability.
Found another POC: GITHUB REPO
So from the blog we know “The poller
table contains a default entry with the hostname of the server running Cacti. Because of this, attackers can bypass the remote_client_authorized
check by, e.g., providing the HTTP header X-Forwarded: <TARGET-IP>
. This way, the function get_client_addr
returns the IP address of the server running Cacti. The call to gethostbyaddr
resolves this IP address to the hostname of the server, which will pass the poller hostname check because of the default entry.”
So we have to change the XFORWARDED IP so it wll be present in the poller table.
Now let’s start the listner and run the exploit.
On the listner side:
We are in a container if we run hostname can see our container id.
Paswords in confg
After running linpeas found that:
Let’s run
capsh --gid=0 --uid=0 --
to become root inside the container.
We also saw that mysql is running and we have password for the databases so let’s try to connect to the database.
We also had a entrypoint.sh which can reveal more information:
set -ex
wait-for-it db:3306 -t 300 -- echo "database is connected"
if [[ ! $(mysql --host=db --user=root --password=root cacti -e "show tables") =~ "automation_devices" ]]; then
mysql --host=db --user=root --password=root cacti < /var/www/html/cacti.sql
mysql --host=db --user=root --password=root cacti -e "UPDATE user_auth SET must_change_password='' WHERE username = 'admin'"
mysql --host=db --user=root --password=root cacti -e "SET GLOBAL time_zone = 'UTC'"
chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/html
# first arg is `-f` or `--some-option`
if [ "${1#-}" != "$1" ]; then
set -- apache2-foreground "$@"
exec "$@"
Let’s dump the user_auth tabel:
We got some hashes: marcus:$2y$10$vcrYth5YcCLlZaPDj6PwqOYTw68W1.3WeKlBn70JonsdW/MhFYK4C
Let’s try to crack them. The hash looks like bcrypt so let’s crackem.
After some time we got the password $2y$10$vcrYth5YcCLlZaPDj6PwqOYTw68W1.3WeKlBn70JonsdW/MhFYK4C:funkymonkey
Let’s login using ssh.
Let’s run the linpeas and see if we find anything.
So according to this we can run the programs of the container inside the host machines b directly finding the path of the program.
The path can be found using findmnt command.
Let’s create a suid bit bash in our container.
Now let’s run it by path.
Let’s run it.
We got the root.